Damn Reincarnation -Novel Chapter 9

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Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 9

By: xImpulse


<Gileade (1)>


Eugene didn’t have the slightest intention of getting along with the other children from the collateral families. It wasn’t because he didn’t feel empathy towards them. He simply thought that none of them were worth his interest.


Deckon, 11-years-old.


Hansen, 14-years-old.


Zuis, 10-years-old.


Three children from collateral families arrived in an instant. Eugene quickly greeted them but he treated all three of them as if they were one person in his head.




They were all pretty intimidated and constantly looked around warily at the others. Especially Hansen, who was one year older than Eugene. He had chubby cheeks and a chubby body. He acted as if he was “the big boy” since he was the oldest among them. Eugene did not like that.


However, Hansen only acted like that with the children from the collateral families. He would be showing off that he was the oldest one moment, and then his demeanor would immediately change upon seeing the shape of a lion engraved on Ciel’s chest.


Actually, this behaviour wasn’t something that was worth pointing out. It wasn’t surprising that the weaker children from the collateral families were afraid of the children from the main family.


“…Just what is he?”


The three vermin all wore flabbergasted expressions as they glanced at Eugene.


After they all briefly greeted each other, Eugene continued his training. It was a continuation to his morning stamina training.


Eugene believed that the amount of time he invested was the key to advancing his skills. This was the same for martial arts. Although Eugene was a warrior’s companion three hundred years ago, it would be an exaggeration to think that the martial arts technique of ‘The Stupid Hamel’ was superior to modern martial arts.


However, no matter how much martial arts evolve, they can’t be used to their fullest extent unless the user properly strengthens their body. Eugene did not doubt this in the least.


Even if he did train his mana, he must not grow complacent with his physical training.


‘Rather, since I don’t use mana, I should train even harder.’


It was a thought that could have been considered ignorant, but it was also one that no one could refute. What else could he have done, anyway? It was because of that damned blood ceremony that he couldn’t use mana.


The blood ceremony revolved around the direct descendents. So, Eugene’s plan to fuck with the main family at the blood ceremony was also to spite Vermouth, who condoned the tradition.


“Aren’t you tired?”

“I’m tired.”


Ciel sat down near Eugene to watch his training. She was curious about Eugene. The twins have experienced a variety of training methods at the main house since they were young. However, they have never seen such an ignorant and crude way of training before.


“I think someone’s here.”


Eugene stood up, shaking the sweat off his hair. He could see the main gates opening from afar. Since the sun was slowly starting to set, the remaining two collateral descendents were finally arriving.


‘It’s too lively, though?’


The servants of the main house fought to get to the front as they ran down. Even the knights, who would usually stay behind guarding the main house, matched the maids’ energy and ran down as well.


Kargas and Desira. While Eugene had heard that these two children were from powerful collateral families, he was more puzzled by the sight of the servants running to greet them.




Ciel felt the same. She blinked as she watched the main gates. She then smiled widely as she saw the flag rise up and stretch from the carriage all the way to the entrance.


“Father must have arrived!”


Ciel shouted in an exhilarated voice. She stood up immediately from her spot and ran towards the main gates without saying goodbye to Eugene.


“M–Master Eugene.”


Nina, although startled, approached Eugene.


“It seems that the lord of the house has returned. You should go to greet hi– Ah, no. For now, please change out of your clothes.”

“It’s better to go greet him now while I’m sweaty than later by myself.”


Eugene replied as he patted the dirt off his body. Nina hesitated a bit before taking out a handkerchief to wipe down Eugene’s arms and legs. The stench of sweat wasn’t going away, so she also took out some perfume and sprayed it on him.


“This should be enough.”


He pressed his hair, which was full of sweat and dirt, down half-heartedly. It didn’t take long, but all the servants at the annex had already made their way to the main gates. Eugene and Nina were eventually the last to arrive at the main gates.




Flags marked with the Lionhart emblem soared through the sky. Over a hundred knights stood in line alongside the flags. The servants of both the main house and the annex were all gathered in one place, they all lined up along the entrance of the mansion.


The relatives from the main house stood in front of the servants. Ciel adjusted her clothes as she stood to the left of Anisilla. To the right was Cian, who was pale white.


A few steps in front of Anisilla.


Although she was the one who held control over the family in events like this, Theonis stood in front of Anisilla. Theonis’ expression was too plain to display that she was welcoming home her husband, who has been gone for many years.


Eugene fixed his gaze on the boy standing next to Theonis. He was pretty handsome, but his shoulders slouched and his eyes were dull. His eyes did not reflect his age. Iode Lionhart, the eldest son and the first in line to succeed the main family.


Theonis twitched her lips as if she was saying something. Iode’s face then hardened as he straightened his back and shoulders.


‘I guess not everyone grew up with love.’


That’s why their personalities are all shit. Eugene shook his head as he clicked his tongue.


“Please come over here.”


A housekeeper from the main house approached him with his head bowed. The children from collateral families had a spot near their relatives from the main house. The two were distinguishable from the moderate amount of space between them.




The knights that were lined up drew out their swords all at the same time. Over a hundred swords were pulled out at once, but the sound of metal was uniform. The knights turned their raised swords towards their left chest as they faced the main gates.


A man riding a giant black horse rode through them while drawing along two carriages. There was nothing like a loud shout. The knights, in their united silence, welcomed the return of their lord after many long years.


‘Gileade Lionhart.’


Eugene watched the man with sparkling eyes. He didn’t look like Vermouth, but his distinguished gaze was quite impressive.


‘The guy following behind him must be his younger brother, Gion.’


Gileade, the Lord of Lionhart, had two younger brothers. His younger brother, Gilford, was married and still living in the main house. His youngest brother, Gion, had not yet married and left the main house alongside Gileade.


“…It would have been nice if they had let us know beforehand when they were coming.”

“I, the Lord of this house, am simply coming back to my home. For what reason should I let you know?”


Gileade replied as he got off his horse.


“Iode. You have grown quite a bit. Have you become just as skilled?”

“…I have worked hard to live up to your expectations, Father.”


Iode waffled as he avoided his father’s gaze. Gileade stared at his oldest son for a moment before turning his gaze away.


“Cian and Ciel? I couldn’t recognize you. Children grow up so quickly. It’s quite amazing.”

“We missed you, Father.”


Ciel replied as she smiled brightly. Gileade finally let out a laugh and nodded his head. He could smell the scent of dirt and sweat from the twins. A scent he couldn’t smell from Iode.


“Gilford, I heard you gave birth to a child. I apologize for not being there with you.”

“Brother, please do not apologize.”


Gilford bowed as he replied. Next to him was his wife, Neria, who was holding a baby that was soundly asleep. Gileade watched the baby for a while before turning away.


He glanced at the children from the collateral families. Some of the children swallowed down their surprise as they raised their backs. Eugene didn’t do that. He’s just going to look at us anyway, so why go through the hassle?


“…No need to prepare anything lavish. Let us eat.”


Gileade opened his lips.


“And we can discuss the blood ceremony while we’re at it.”




People started to gather around a wide square dining table. The children from the collateral families started to fill the seats starting from the end.


Desira and Kargas had been riding in one of the two carriages that came with Gileade. The two of them, as if it was the natural thing to do, sat at the innermost section of the table among the collateral families.


Eugene sat next to Kargas.




Kargas scanned Eugene’s face while wearing a puzzled expression.


It was an unwritten rule to sit according to one’s rank in the family. Originally, it was the chubby Hansen who was supposed to sit next to Kargas.


However, Hansen did not say nor notice anything and sat next to Eugene.


Hansen had arrived around noon and saw Eugene’s incredibly crude training method. He also saw how close Eugene was to Ciel, one of the evil twins of the main family. Therefore, Hansen deemed it foolish to cause trouble with a relative he didn’t know.


“I saw Kargas and Desire last time. We came together, so I know their faces…”


Sitting at the center of the table, across from the collateral descendents, was the Lord of the house, Gileade. He wiped his hands with a wet towel as he looked at each child’s face.


“I do not know who the four of you are.”

“My name is Eugene from Kidol. My father’s name is Zehad Lionhart.”


Eugene bowed slightly as he introduced himself. The other children from the collateral families followed suit. However, only Eugene’s introduction was as smooth. The other children’s voices trembled and they stuttered on their words. It scared them that the Lord of the house was sitting right across from them.




Gileade, who listened to every introduction, nodded his head slightly. After that, he didn’t say anything else and rested his chin on his hand.




The children from the collateral families were conscious of him and could barely breathe, even Kargas and Desira. Especially Desira. She was right next to Gileade, so she couldn’t keep her gaze still and picked at her innocent thighs.


‘I’m hungry.’


They should have called us after they were done preparing the meal. Eugene stared at the shabby table. There were a couple pieces of bread and some tea, but that was certainly not enough.


‘Now, who’s that bastard?’


A golden-haired young man sat next to Iode. He was the one who rode on the other carriage behind Gileade. He didn’t seem to be a Lionhart. Iode also didn’t seem to know who he was.




It was Ciel who broke the silence. She smiled bashfully as she looked at Gileade.


“You finally returned after three years. Do you have a present for me?”

“I didn’t think of getting one.”


Gileade replied as he laughed aloud. As most fathers would, Gileade also adored his daughter. Moreover, Ciel was different from the eldest son and was expressive with her affection.


“I missed my Father every day. Did you not miss me too?”

“Of course, I missed you.”

“Don’t lie. You didn’t even bring me a present.”

“Haha, I can give you a present once we’re done preparing the blood ceremony. Don’t hate your father so.”


Iode grinded his lips, listening to the correspondence. Cian also remained silent and kept his gaze lowered. Usually, he would have been up there showing his affection as well.


However, his abdomen was still bruised. Duel, defeat. Cian was afraid that his father would scold him.


“Father, who is that guest?”


Ciel made eye contact with Eugene before looking at the man sitting next to Iode. She knew that Eugene had been glancing at the man. But, she didn’t necessarily ask because of that. Ciel was also curious about the identity of the man that no one knew.


Currently, Gileade’s younger brothers, Anisilla, and of course, Theonis, had not yet joined the table.


The Lionhart Lord, who was going to officiate the blood ceremony.


The children, who were going to participate in the blood ceremony.


There was an unidentified outsider in their midst.


“…Hm. I was going to introduce him later…”

“I do not mind.”


The man smiled as he replied.


“Well, the meals have yet to come out. The children must be tired of the silence, so it seems it would be good to ease the atmosphere with some story-telling.”

“Quite so. I was about to regret gathering everyone early, as I had done so out of an anxious heart.”

“Haha, it’s not your fault, Gileade. It’s natural to feel such awkwardness with distant relatives.”


The man laughed out loud as he looked at the children. Eugene raised his tea as he listened in on the conversation. He wanted to shove anything down his throat to ease his hunger.


“Hello, young ones. My name is Roberian, and I’m from the Red Tower of Arot.”



Desira made an alarming noise. Roberian? Some of the children tilted their heads, perhaps recalling if it was a name that they’ve heard before.


“T–The Lord of the Red Magic Tower.”


Iode looked shocked as he turned to look at Roberian.




Eugene spat out his tea.


<Gileade (1)> End

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Chapter 9