Damn Reincarnation -Novel Chapter 8

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Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 8

By: xImpulse  


<Ciel (2)>


Nothing happened.




Nothing happened at all. Eugene thought that he would be chastised for humiliating Cian, a direct descendent… But it’s been peaceful, as if the duel never happened.


However, it’s not that nothing happened, simply nothing big happened. Following the duel, the servants at the annex looked at him differently. They were wary of Eugene’s actions and refrained from approaching him.


They likely assumed that they would get attacked if they did.


“Are you okay?”


Eugene stared at Nina as he asked. One night had already passed at the annex, and it was now morning. Only Eugene and Nina were in the first floor cafeteria. Even though only the two of them were there, there were many plates of food prepared on a big table.


“What do you mean?”

“Following me around.”


Eugene asked indifferently as he tilted his head.


The pieces of meat were too big for breakfast. Among the many foods on the table, the only thing Eugene had requested for was meat. He trained vigorously yesterday. So if he didn’t eat well then he would lose not only his stamina, but his muscle mass as well.




Nina could not answer immediately. While she was hesitating, Eugene sliced up pieces of meat with a knife and started to stuff his face.


“…Although I’m still wary of you… It’s out of my hands. While Master Eugene is staying in the main house, I am your exclusive maid.”

“There’s no need for you to be so loyal to me since I’ll be leaving in about a month. Aren’t you going to continue working here even after I leave?”

“…It’s not a matter of loyalty. I was ordered to be your exclusive maid by the head of the servants, and it’s likely that it was the second lady who ordered the head servant to do so.”


Nina wore an empty smile as she shook her head.


“If I was too cautious around you and that caused me to neglect my work, then I would essentially be disregarding the orders of the second lady. Thus, even if I am wary of you, I must fulfill my duties as your maid.”

“That’s a good mindset.”


Eugene grinned as he pushed his empty plate to the side. Then he grabbed a leg of a lamb as big as his arm with his bare hands.


“So when you said that it’s not a matter of loyalty, that also means you don’t not have loyalty for me, right?


“…At least temporarily, since you’re my master.”

“Then I should act like a master. If you ever find yourself struggling with something difficult, don’t hold it in and just tell me about it right away.”


“What do you mean ‘pardon’? You were unlucky enough to become my exclusive maid and I, well, coincidentally received you as my exclusive maid. So, let’s get along.”


“Anyway, do not question my orders and just follow them from now on. Alright?”

“…Yes, sir.”

“Then, go get me a wet towel.”


Instead of saying anything else, Eugene opened his mouth widely and bit off a chunk of meat from the lamb leg. Nina was stunned for a moment by his behaviour, but she eventually bowed her head and took a step back.


“…I don’t think a wet towel will be enough, so I will fetch a basin instead.”

“I’m very pleased with your intuitive opinion.”


Eugene smiled as he chewed loudly on the meat.


“Oh, also. While you’re going to the kitchen, let the kitchen staff know that I want bigger portions of meat for lunch. Rather than making anything extravagant, just put meat on the table.”

“Yes, sir.”


Nina retreated politely as she glanced at the table with a sidelong glance. Does that mean he can eat all of that?


Of course, Eugene ate it all. He had a great appetite, without being picky, even in his past life.


‘I’ve even eaten monsters and mamonos.’


Eugene picked out the meat between his teeth and washed his hands in the basin. He then rubbed his full stomach as he left the table. Nina scurried along behind Eugene.


“Has there been any news of anyone coming today?”

“I have not heard any news.”

“Then go find out. I’ll be at the exercise hall.”

“Yes, sir. However, um… You’ve just finished eating. If you exercise right after, you might get a stomach ache…”

“Thank you for worrying about me, but it’s unnecessary. I can exercise after eating without any issues.”


Nina, who had a normal body, couldn’t understand for the life of her. However, she didn’t question him any further and simply left.


It wasn’t a lie. He’s never gotten sick even once since he was young. Even his palm, which had ripped when he wielded a spear, was fine and free of scars.


‘This body is too good to be true.’


Thinking about it now, Vermouth never used healing magic or potions in his past life. Although he never received any real injuries, when he did get injured, his body naturally recovered from it.


Thanks to that, Anise and Senia’s healing magic was exclusively used on Moron and Hamel.


‘You’re always getting hurt because you stupidly run to the front!’


‘Hey, that idiot Moron ran off first!’


‘He did that because he’s an idiot. But why did you have to follow that idiot? Are you an idiot, too?’


‘Fuck you. Then you think I just have to leave that bastard alone when he’s getting beaten up by a monster? Why are you taking it out on me!’


‘Ugh, I can’t talk with you. Look at Vermouth. Can’t you guys fight without getting hurt like him?’


‘Why are you still talking with me when you just said you couldn’t?’


Whenever Hamel came back stricken with injuries, Senia always drove him mad. It’s been 13 years since he reincarnated… But every memory of the past wasn’t the least bit blurry.


‘…I heard that they attended Vermouth’s funeral after he died. I wonder if those three are still alive.’


The wise Senia. She was history’s longest-serving ruler of the Magic Kingdom Arot. She suddenly disappeared about 200 years ago. Following her disappearance, her whereabouts remain unknown.


The faithful Anise. She was once revered as a saint in the Holy Empire of Yuras. In her later years, she withdrew from the central temple and became a pilgrim. It’s said that not even the pope of the Holy Empire knows where she went for her pilgrimage.


The idiotic Moron. The first king of the Northern Kingdom of Ruhar. He was alive until recently, with recently being about 100 years ago… After abdicating the throne, he lived a life of leisure, and appeared on the anniversary of the country’s foundation 100 years ago.


‘No matter how I think about it, they don’t seem to be dead…’


It was a meaningless thought.


Even Vermouth, who seemed the least likely to die, had died 200 years ago.


Eugene shook his head as he felt a bitter taste crawl up his throat.


The exercise hall was perfectly cleaned of Cian’s vomit. Of course, Nina did the cleaning.


“What are you doing here?”

“I was waiting for you.”


Ciel was at the exercise hall. She smiled brightly as she waved at Eugene.


“You ate breakfast before coming here, right? I smell meat.”

“I brushed my teeth though.”

“How does brushing help? Your entire body smells of meat.”

“Doesn’t it smell like cow manure?”

“That’s what my brother said. I never said your body smelled of cow manure. And I don’t even know what it smells like.”

“Cow manure smells like shit, I guess. If you still can’t figure it out, just go smell your own shit.”


“Why were you waiting for me?”


Nothing happened yesterday. Perhaps she wanted to wait a day before spewing even more bullshit. Eugene narrowed his eyes as he glared at Ciel.


“I wanted to train with you.”


Ciel giggled as she replied.


“Look, I even wore a training uniform.”



Eugene half-heartedly replied as he looked at Ciel’s clothes. It was uniform with a lion engraved on the left chest, proof that she was the direct descendant of the main family.


‘The clothes they gave me didn’t have a lion on it.’


“Where did you leave your brother, and why did you come alone?”

“My brother is training with Hezar. Oh, have you heard? My mother got super angry yesterday because of you. My brother got hit on the cheek at least ten times.”

“He was hit?”



Eugene was taken aback after hearing that. He thought that they obviously grew up loved and spoiled.


“Why isn’t she hitting me then? You said your brother got hit because she was mad at me.”

“Hm… That’s right, but mother got mad because he lost in a duel with you”

“Wait, so… Then technically, she’s not mad because of me.”

“I guess so.”


Children are still children, even if they’re smart. Eugene felt that truth all too deeply.


“…Does your mother know that you’re here?’


“She does. Mother told me to get along with you.”


She was angry to the point she slapped her son in the face because of me, so what kind of bullshit is this? Eugene just barely swallowed the words down his throat. How would this young girl know what the second lady of the main house was planning?



“You said so yesterday. We’re the same age, so we’re friends.”

“Your brother said, just because we’re the same age, doesn’t mean we’re friends.”

“That’s what my brother said. I don’t think that way. So, are you not going to be my friend?”

“…Fine, friend. I’m going to train now, so can you stop bothering me and go play over there?”

“Are you going to play with me?”

“No, I’m going to train.”

“Then I want to train.”


Let’s just leave it. He should have done this earlier. Eugene clicked his tongue as he was heading towards the warehouse.


“You already used a spear yesterday. Are you going to use one today too?”


“Then, a sword?”

“I have to warm up first.”


Eugene flung open the warehouse door. The warehouse that was covered in dust just yesterday was thoroughly cleaned. It was obvious who did it. It looks like Nina had spent the entire night cleaning the warehouse.


“I love it.”


Eugene murmured as he entered the warehouse. Not only had the dust been all cleared, but everything was perfectly organized. Especially the sandbags. The bags were smoother and heavier than yesterday. It seems as though she wiped down the leather and filled it with more sand.


‘…It was originally quite small, so I didn’t feel it tugging at my muscles enough.’


Today seems like an ‘axe’ type of day. But there was no axe. So, Eugene eventually brought out only an armful of sandbags.


“What about your weapon?”

“I’m just going to exercise without it.”


Eugene sat on the ground and secured the sandbags to his arms and legs. Ciel watched for a bit before she brought out sandbags from the warehouse as well.


“I want to do it, too.”


“It’s no fun just watching.”

“Do whatever you want.”


Eugene rose up with his body weighed down by the sandbags and then suddenly started running around the exercise hall.


‘…It’s heavy.’


Ciel staggered as she stood up. She gathered her strength and spread her mana throughout her body. Once she did so, Ciel was able to take control of her body.


‘How is he able to run like that without mana?’


Ciel watched him with eyes filled with disbelief. Eugene, who just ran by, finished his first lap around the exercise hall as he breathed in and out rhythmically. Ciel waited a moment before she started running at the same pace.


“You’ve really never used mana?”

“I said I didn’t. Don’t talk to me.”

“That’s amazing… How do you run with these on without using mana?”

“I said. Don’t. Talk. To. Me.”


Eugene rolled his eyes and ran off. As he ran, Ciel stuck her tongue out once then shut her mouth.




Nina returned from the main house following Eugene’s orders. She was prepared to hear some awful words, but surprisingly, the servants didn’t harass her.


“Master Eugene sent you?”


“Alright. In the afternoon…”


While they exhibited a twinge of wariness, they complied in answering her. Nina was still puzzled about this as she returned to the exercise hall.


“…Master Ciel?”


Nina’s mouth gaped open at the sight in front of her.


“Hi, maid.”

“My name is Nina.”

“Hi, Nina.”


Ciel laughed as she tried to keep her staggering body balanced. She was currently seated atop Eugene’s back, holding a handful of sandbags.


“Oh, hello…”


Nina bowed her head after a moment of hesitation. While she was bowing, her eyes kept glancing towards Eugene. Eugene was pushing his body up and down vigorously while drenched in sweat.


“…How many am I at now?”



“One hundred.”

“Get off.”


—Thud! Ciel threw the sandbags to the side before she hopped off Eugene’s back. Eugene took a deep breath as he dropped to the ground.


“… Did you find out?”



Nina nodded her head as she replied.


“Sh–should I bring you some water?”

“No. Tell me first.”

“Master Deckon, Master Hansen, and Master Zuis are to arrive today by noon.”


Nina answered quickly.


“And Master Kargas and Master Desira are to arrive via the warp gates in the evening.”

“And here I was wondering what you asked for.”


Ciel giggled as she poked Eugene’s back.


“You could have just asked me. Why didn’t you?”

“I asked Nina to find out for me, but if I asked you first, then she would have put in all that effort for nothing.”

“Why does that matter?”

“And we were in the middle of training.”


He was tired of even talking to her. Eugene pulled himself up and sat down.


“Three people will arrive by carriage, and two will arrive by warp gate. Right?”



Even the way they were being treated was different. Eugene knew the reason why. Kargas and Desira. They’re the children of one of the most prestigious families among the collateral families.


“You don’t know who Kargas and Desira are, right?”


Ciel opened her mouth.


“I know their names, but I’ve never met them before.”

“They’re one of the strongest in the collateral families.”

“I already know that their family is powerful. What about the other three?”

“I don’t know where they’re from. They’re like you. Ah, although you’re probably much stronger.”


That’s because they’re from a small family even within the collateral families.


“…Kargas and Desira. Have you met them before?”

“They came to my 10th birthday party.”

“What kind of people are they?”

“Kargas is no fun. He’s one year older than me, and… Desira is one year younger than me, but she’s also no fun.”


She meant that she wasn’t able to make fun of them. Eugene straightened his thoughts for a moment.


‘Three from the main family and six from the collateral families, including me.’


They said that everyone would arrive within nine days. It seems like they’ll all arrive sooner than that.


“Do you know when they’re going to hold the blood ceremony?”

“They said that they’ll do it when everyone arrives, so… today?”

“You mean tomorrow, since they most likely won’t hold it today. So, how are they going to conduct this year’s blood ceremony?”

“I don’t know.”


Ciel shook her head.


“Don’t lie to me.”

“I really don’t know. It’s a tradition for the family head to decide how it’s done. But my father isn’t here right now… Umm… Mother said that he’ll be coming back soon. Anyway, I really don’t know.”


Eugene couldn’t completely trust her words. She was a child of the main family, so she must have heard something.


‘…During my father’s generation, apparently there was a tournament between twelve people. During the last blood ceremony, people wandered in the forest for over ten days.’


While the rules have changed every time, its core never did. The blood ceremony exists to determine who will inherit the Lionhart name based on the qualities of each generation. While it looks pretty on paper, it’s not actually fair. In the end, those who stood out during the blood ceremony were all allowed to use mana from a young age. In other words, the children from the main house.


When Eugene first heard of the blood ceremony, he thought it was a sardonic war.




He decided to participate in the the blood ceremony to fuck with the main house.


‘Vermouth. Don’t be mad when I fuck with your descendants.’


Eugene hoisted his sore body off the ground as he called out to Vermouth, who was probably in heaven.


‘It’s not as if I became your descendant because you liked me anyway.’


<Ciel (2)> End


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Chapter 8