After Marrying the Empress (Novel) Chapter 7

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Translator: Greed

Editors: Rhaea










After Marrying the Empress

Chapter 7


“Don’t say the same age; even if they are ten years older than you, they will still be weaker.” The elderly man said confidently.


“If that’s the case?”


“With the exception of the rebel who dropped from the skies who is still missing, they are all gone.”


Yun Yi simply shook his head, pulled down the car curtains, and smiled: “You said I was born a swordsman and fearless, Master. I was just outside the window when I noticed a group of couples, especially since that husband…”


“Fear almost caused my heart to stop.”


“Yet again, you’re talking nonsense!” The elderly man blew his beard and stared in disbelief.


The boy simply shrugged, relaxed, and leaned back in the carriage.


He didn’t make a joke at all. He’d heard that the momentum of many talented young seniors who were facing the rebels in battle went down by thirty per cent before the fight even began. He still didn’t believe it, but he had to believe it this time when it was his turn.



‘How did this monster get here? Is it because I’m actually very weak, or because my family’s elders praised me too much?’ Yun Yi began to doubt life deeply in his heart.


‘Never mind that; I still have to think about the emperor first; I don’t know what the emperor is doing now or what the emperor will do later; that’s the most powerful person in the world.’


Li Yun and Zhou Ruoli stood up and walked forward. He felt someone watching him right now, most likely because the people in the car were curious.


Fortunately, Li Yun did not overreact, and the other party most likely did not notice anything amiss.


It’s just that their clothes were wet, so they had to go to a nearby store to get a new set before walking to the area behind the store to change their clothes.


“All right, you can change it now.” Li Yun placed his hands under his brows and eyelids with a serious expression on his face, but the only area he didn’t cover was his eyes.


Zhou Ruoli ignored him, simply taking off her wet clothes and putting on new ones. Under the moonlight, her black hair seemed to glow.


“Today appears to be a banquet for aristocratic families in the palace, according to what I’ve heard. I don’t know if the emperor will attend it.” After a brief moment of thought, Li Yun stated, “I think he will, the emperor has the power to do whatever he wants. Something like this to flaunt his power…”


“And the dancers, they ought to look good.”


“All right,” Zhou Ruoli said.


He turned his head and looked over, seeing that her hands were tied behind her head with her hair, and the sleeves that came down revealed her white forearms, indicating that she was dressed.


“Do you really want to see the dancing girls in the palace that much?”


“I’m just curious.”


Zhou Ruoli turned his head and looked at him, noticing a suspicious look on his face.


“I’ll go out by myself.” Zhou Ruoli said as she turned and walked out of the house.


“Be cautious at all times.” Li Yun ran and caught up with her.


Zhou Ruoli was aware of it, but she raised her head and twitched the corner of her mouth. As she walked, a swarm of people appeared around her, powerful trained martial arts practitioners guarding silently.


Some people always want to be wished by others to be careful on the way, even if they have the best defences.




Yun Yi entered the palace and was struck by how magnificent and magnificent the interior was. It appeared to be more impressive on the inside than on the outside. It’s no surprise that the emperor didn’t want to leave unless there was a better residence outside, in which case no one would leave.


He sat with the family’s elders. There were family members nearby. Yun Yi also noticed that the head of the family sitting across from her was teasing her, saying something like, ‘I sent my wife out…’ Is this slang from the capital?


The emperor’s appearance was obscured by a curtain hung above the steps here. They could only see a small portion of the dragon’s robe. Because of the empty space here, it was also difficult to distinguish the speaker’s voice.


As the trump card of the Yun family, Yun Yi was naturally raised to the stage to listen to a few words of praise for what a young genius he is.


Words such as “world’s first genius,” “incompetent peers,” and so on.


Yun Yi is sensitive by nature, and when the elders were halfway through speaking, he felt that His Majesty the Emperor seemed to be unhappy.


Of course. It seems that His Majesty got unpleased after hearing me receive praise when he has someone with extraordinary talents in mind already. That person should be extremely favoured by His Majesty.


Yun Yi had a flashback to the couple he saw on the street. It might be possible if it were that young man, and the wife was also very attractive. It would not be surprising if His Majesty the Emperor gave it to him.


Soon, there were dancing girls on stage, and everyone was drinking and conversing in hushed tones.


Yun Yi discovered that His Majesty the Emperor seemed to be paying more attention to the dancing girls.


Seriously, are the status of martial arts practitioners so low? Yun Yi complained silently as he drank milk.


It wasn’t that there was nothing said at the banquet. For example, the previous trouble-making family was reprimanded for a few words. Luckily, the area was big or else there might be the smell of someone peeing from embarrassment and fear.


He has witnessed his majesty’s generosity, which is not allowing you to live.


Your Majesty, the Emperor, is, without a doubt, the most terrifying person on the planet. Yun Yi sighed and thought, scared in his heart. I’m not sure who wouldn’t be afraid to face him.




When Li Yun saw Zhou Ruoli return, he was still dressed in the same clothes.


“You’re still awake?” Zhou Ruoli inquired.


“I was just waiting for a while, it wasn’t long.” Li Yun only smiled.


Zhou Ruoli stood there staring at him. She was perplexed when she saw Li Yun, and she appeared hesitant to walk into the house and changed into a light and flirty dress.


She turned around in the yard, her skirt blooming like flowers in front of Li Yun’s suspicious eyes.


Zhou Ruoli was imitating the dances of the dancing girls she saw, but to be honest, she wasn’t very good at it; at best, she could only do a circle. She was only more beautiful, but she was inferior to those dancers with exquisite dance skills.


“How is it?” Zhou Ruoli looked at Li Yun, thinking that if he said he wasn’t attractive, she’d hit him.


“Are you drawing circles?” After some thought, Li Yun decided to ask. (T/N: In China, to draw circles is said to be a means to curse someone)


Zhou Ruoli felt the veins in her forehead bulging slightly, and her heart became gloomy and angry.


After a while, Li Yun reacted, chuckled quietly, and spun around in circles.


“How’s this?” Li Yun grinned.


“Ugly.” Zhou Ruoli made a humming sound.


“Are you able to dance again?”


“If you make fun of me again, I’ll call the Guards and have you arrested.” Zhou Ruoli threatened.


Zhou Ruoli continued to dance grudgingly. She wasn’t very good at dancing, but Li Yun’s gaze swept away from her.


“Don’t look at my legs all the time!”


“You can’t stop one person’s instincts.”









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Chapter 7